4 Questions with Habrok President Sal Sandal by Jiujitsumag

4 Questions with Habrok President Sal Sandal by Jiujitsumag

4 Questions with Habrok President Sal Sandal by Jiujitsumag

4 Questions with Habrok President Sal Sandal by Jiujitsumag

How long has Habrok been making gis? My great grandfather started manufacturing soccer balls for the British colonist in South Asia (present day Pakistan & India) and other sporting goods in ea...

Vertically Integrated Gi Brand: A First in the World of Jiu-Jitsu - Habrok

Vertically Integrated Gi Brand: A First in the World of Jiu-Jitsu

As most BJJ practitioners know, the vast majority of the gis in the world are produced in Pakistan. This is not only because of the rich textile manufacturing industry that exists there, but also b...
