Habrok | MMA | BJJ |

4 Questions with Habrok President Sal Sandal by Jiujitsumag
How long has Habrok been making gis? My great grandfather started manufacturing soccer balls for the British colonist in South Asia (present day Pakistan & India) and other sporting goods in ea...
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The Colorful Tapestry of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gi: A Deep Dive into Its Significance and Evolution
The Colorful Tapestry of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gi: A Deep Dive into Its Significance and Evolution**Table of Contents**1. Introduction2. History and Evolution of Gi Colors in BJJ 2.1. Early Days: A C...
قراءة المزيدHow long has Habrok been manufacturing gis? Habrok has a rich history in manufacturing sporting goods that dates back to the early 1900s when my great grandfather began producing soccer balls for t...
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Type of Weaves In BJJ GI’s – Why you should buy Habrok BJJ Gi. The 4 Most Common BJJ Gi Weaves and Which BJJ Gi Weave is Best? You can tell a lot about a fabric when you know the construction of th...
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HABROK GI REVIEW | JiuJitsu Magazine
Habrok’s Tactica Leve February 21, 2018 by JJM Staff It’s no secret that most of the world’s gis are made in Pakistan. Many factories churn out gis for various brands made to th...
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Habrok BJJ GI Review | Female Cut
This gi keeps it simple, keeping the frills to a minimum and sticking with basic pink details (though there’s also an option for purple). Currently, this gi only comes in white, and while it looks ...
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Habrok is trying to take the gi market by storm adding their product offering to the already huge gear market that is available to jiu jitsu practitioners. They are confident in their product line...
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Vertically Integrated Gi Brand: A First in the World of Jiu-Jitsu
As most BJJ practitioners know, the vast majority of the gis in the world are produced in Pakistan. This is not only because of the rich textile manufacturing industry that exists there, but also b...
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