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Habrok | MMA | BJJ | Sport Ernæring og Fitness

How we make our Jiu Jitsu Gi's - Habrok
7. jun 2023
How we make our Jiu Jitsu Gi's

In addition to Habrok's commitment to utilizing cutting-edge technology and exclusive processes, it's essential to understand the general industry processes involved in creating cotton weaves for j...

About Us: Unleashing the Future of Combat Sports - Habrok - Habrok
7. jun 2023
About Us: Unleashing the Future of Combat Sports - Habrok

At Habrok, we are more than just a brand; we are the embodiment of a legacy rooted in the pursuit of excellence. With a rich family history spanning generations in the manufacturing industry, we ha...

Unveiling the Benefits of Jiu-Jitsu Training: Elevate Your Game with Habrok Gear for Gi and No-Gi Training - Habrok
7. jun 2023
Unveiling the Benefits of Jiu-Jitsu Training: Elevate Your Game with Habrok Gear for Gi and No-Gi Training

Introduction: Jiu-Jitsu, a dynamic martial art that encompasses both Gi and No-Gi training, offers a plethora of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. In this blog post, we will explore the adv...

WHY HABROK! leading MMA Brand - Habrok
7. jun 2023
WHY HABROK! leading MMA Brand

Habrok is a dynamic and innovative brand that has made a significant impact in the world of combat sports. Founded by a team of passionate athletes and industry experts, Habrok has rapidly ga...

Unleash Your Boxing Potential with Habrok Boxing Gloves: The Epitome of Performance and Style - Habrok
7. jun 2023
Unleash Your Boxing Potential with Habrok Boxing Gloves: The Epitome of Performance and Style

Introduction: When it comes to boxing, every punch matters, and having the right gear can make all the difference in the ring. Among the myriad of brands available, one name stands out as a leader ...

🌟 Introducing Habrok: Embrace the Future of Innovation! 🌟 - Habrok
6. jun 2023
🌟 Introducing Habrok: Embrace the Future of Innovation! 🌟

🌟 Introducing Habrok: Embrace the Future of Innovation! 🌟 Are you ready to unlock a world of cutting-edge innovation and redefine your limits? Look no further than Habrok, the pioneers of revolutio...

BJJ6. jun 2023

Hvor lenge har Habrok laget gis? Min oldefar begynte å produsere fotballer for den britiske kolonisten i Sør-Asia (dagens Pakistan og India) og andre sportsutstyr på begynnelsen av 1900-tallet. T...

What Gear Do I Need for MMA Training? - Habrok
boxing12. jan 2021
Hvilket utstyr trenger jeg for MMA-trening?

MMA er en flott måte å trene og lære selvforsvar på. Hvis du tenker på å bli med på et MMA-treningsstudio, må du ha treningsutstyr. Å ha riktig utstyr vil være nødvendig før du får lov til å trene ...

Welcome Calvin Kattar to Habrok Team - Habrok
boxing8. jan 2021
Velkommen Calvin Kattar til Habrok Team

Vi er begeistret over å kunngjøre signeringen av en av de mest elitekjemperne innen blandet kampsport i dag, UFC-stjernen Calvin Kattar. «The Boston finisher» fanget oppmerksomheten vår tidlig i si...